Tranquility - Player Disconnections and Unable to Log In
Incident Report for EVE Online
Tranquility has been monitored for nine hours. We now regard the issue as resolved.
Posted Sep 02, 2023 - 09:29 UTC
VIP is being lifted. Tranquility is now open and accessible for players. A sincere thanks from all the developers for your patience. We will be monitoring Tranquility and its services closely.
Posted Sep 02, 2023 - 00:42 UTC
Tranquility is being restarted and initially be in VIP mode.
Posted Sep 02, 2023 - 00:28 UTC
We will be temporarily disabling ESI as part of our efforts to bring Tranquility back online.
Posted Sep 02, 2023 - 00:20 UTC
Tranquility remains offline but we are making progress in identifying the underlying cause.
Posted Sep 02, 2023 - 00:12 UTC
We do not expect that Tranquility will be accessible for at least the next couple of hours, most likely longer. Our Ops team are exploring all possibilities as to the cause of the outage.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 22:25 UTC
Summary - Around 19:15 UTC Tranquility and services started to encounter issues which resulted in players being disconnected / not being able to log in. Simultaneously, other services such as web sites and single-sign on were also impacted. Since then we have been investigating the cause and consulting with our various third party providers. We will provide information as soon as it is available.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 22:02 UTC
Our developers are continuing to look into the outage that is affecting Tranquility and associated services. We will continue to provide updates every hour or sooner if more information becomes available.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 21:00 UTC
We're continuing to investigate the issues with Tranquility. We appreciate the patience and will update you as soon as we have more information.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 20:05 UTC
We're continuing to investigate. We have reached out to our network providers for further assistance.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 19:42 UTC
A forum thread has been created if you prefer to see updates there. We will mirror any updates we have about the issue to this thread -

Thanks for your patience.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 19:25 UTC
We are continuing to investigate this issue.
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 19:16 UTC
We are investigating issues with tranquility regarding player disconnections and being unable to log into the game. #tweetfleet
Posted Sep 01, 2023 - 19:14 UTC
This incident affected: Tranquility (Game Server, Quasar, Login) and EVE Swagger Interface (ESI).